Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Start

Look...I make no claims on what this is going to be. I am a great many things rolled into one. My interests range from the shallow and mundane to the downright bizarre and frightening. I just know that I need to get things out on to "paper" (LOL - remember paper) and that occasionally I like to hear what people think about what I have to say. My grammar sucks, my spelling is even worse, my opinions are often unfounded and based purely on what I feel that day, and morals are questionable. So all I can say is Suspend Logic. Because who knows what will come out of my mouth on a daily basis. 

I know this, I live on a Spanish Soap Opera of the Telemundo variety being watched by some giant super human race that uses the earth as entertainment. I am horribly under dressed for every episode, I never know my lines, and I keep having long term relationships with the same man being played by different actors. Oh and if I don't lose weight they're going to terminate my contract because apparently they can do that.

My life is hilarious and as long as I can find the humor I should be OK. That's hard for me because I take things way too seriously and just as personally. For example I had every intention of pouring out my heart about why I am starting a blog and what life events lead me to this place - but honestly who cares. If you continue to read then you will find out who I am and why I am over time without me justifying my existence and why I have the right to...well to write. 

That's the whole damned problem. I don't feel worthy of being listened to so I justify and explain. Well let's suspend logic together and pretend for a moment that my words count just because I am human. No one has to agree or disagree, no one has to like them, you can judge all you want as long as you save the ..."who is she to..." crap. I just feel like talking is all. I've always felt like talking. Oprah effin' Winfrey always felt like talking and look where the hell she is. And yeah...sometimes she gets all Oprah on us and we all think "who the hell is she to..." The reality is her words count just as much now as they should have back when she was a pregnant teen. She just has a platform now and people listen to her. She doesn't force you...she just talks. (And often about stuff she hasn't got a clue on...just like me).

Anyway - that's what this is. Me talking. Feel free to listen, feel free to file it under junk, feel free to dip it in platinum and put it on your mantle. I will keep talking in any case.