Anyway the idea became larger than just writing to her. I wanted to write for many little girls and women-to-be. I thought it would be cool to have a grown woman pull back the curtain so to speak...and reveal some of the things that their own mothers wouldn't tell them because it would blow a hole in the mother-daughter - I rule you follow blindly - dynamic. I didn't know where to start though. So in 2009 I came up with a list of things that I thought it was just generally important to share, woman to girl, and I posted it on Face Book. The intent was to make each item on the list its own post. But true to form...I never got to that. The response to the list though...well it was overwhelming and unexpected.
Fast forward 8 years (from the couch conversation not the Face Book post…keep up) and guess what!? I have since learned that each person has their own path of mistake-lessons that they are destined to travel. Well DUH! So I may not be able to save my kid from all her drama-to-be, or yours for that matter, but the list…still seems like an interesting idea to me. So here is the deal...the list is at your leisure. I am going to randomly pick a topic from the list to write about whenever the mood strikes. That will keep me writing, and hopefully it will keep you reading. In the process I may share a story or two, that while completely inappropriate and TMI, you may relate to. Either way the here's the list. Enjoy or don't - I'll be here talking in any case.
*Note: If you like my ideas feel free to share BUT please give me credit. Stealing is bad and my ideas are my babies. You wouldn't want to be a kidnapper now would you? Now go ahead and read.
1. Your
relationship with your father or lack thereof, shapes you forever. It is
probably the most important of your life.
2. It is great
to have your own opinion even if it doesn’t “fit.”
3. It is
important to know when to share that opinion and when to keep it to yourself.
4. A true leader
or ruler knows when to submit. This will be true of all your relationships.
5. Look at all
of your relationships – friends, lovers, employers, employees, children – and
you will find patterns. You are the common denominator.
6. Judge not
lest ye be judged.
7. Everything
you do comes back to you, but not in the way you think or expect.
8. Your mother
and father have done it before you – you are not slick.
9. He will not
like you better if you do it, he will spend more time with you because you do
it. That is not the same thing.
10. You are worth
more than you could ever imagine, act accordingly.
11. You set your
price, no one else does.
12. Your hair is
fine. You are beautiful.
13. We are all
jealous and envious, even the cool girl, especially the cool girl.
14. Your parents
are just as messed up as you. They are still working on their own self esteem
and issues. Give them a break.
15. If you don’t
feel safe, he is not for you.
16. If he does
not say you are his girlfriend in front of people, then you are not.
17. Credit is
important – learn as much as you can about it.
18. Anything or
anyone that tries isolating you from your family, friends, and what you know to
be home, is not good. That includes church.
19. The nerdy kid
that dresses funny and talks to himself, may be your boss some day. Treat him
20. The nerdy kid
that dresses funny and talks to himself, may also become a crazy lunatic. So
again, treat him well.
21. Ok so 19 and
20 are funny, but I say all that to say that you never know who is sitting next
to you, or what they could be in your life. There is something to learn from
22. There is
always a choice.
23. People don’t
change, they make different choices…it’s called growing up.
24. Food is good
– develop a healthy relationship with it.
25. Exercise now
so it becomes a habit.
26. Please look
at how he treats his mother and the other women in his life before getting
involved. Even if she’s crazy – look at how he handles her.
27. His ex’s
story could soon be yours. There are two sides to every story. The truth is
between them. She couldn’t be that bad if he chose her and if she is THAT bad,
then question his intelligence.
28. Even if he
says he doesn’t care – learn to cook something well, clean up after yourself,
and have something you do that does not involve him.
29. Everything
mentioned in number 28 you should be doing for yourself anyway.
30. Learn to love
other girls and women; they are your source of strength, wisdom, and
experience. Say hi and smile. Her blues are like yours.
a. A note about
#30: You sound ignorant when you say “I don’t really get down with girls like
that.” You don’t sound cool. Men will flock to you because they know you will
look out for them before your girls any day. They trust that you will always
believe them first and place more value in what they say, than what you see.
It’s called being any easy target. They go for the ones with low self esteem
first, then you next. Yes we can be catty, but so can they. Get over it.
31. Pursue your
dreams and develop your talents – but be ready for rejection, criticism, and
being told you are not talented.
32. You are really
smart and beautiful, but you won’t always be the smartest or the most beautiful
person in the room. It doesn’t matter – enjoy the days when you are that
person. And when it’s not your turn, learn to let others enjoy their moment.
33. Education is
more important than you know. Take it seriously.
34. Learn to work
what you’ve got – your body is yours forever. (Talk to mom about that one)
35. It’s okay if
you don’t want to have kids. It’s your life. There is no definition of
womanhood that you are required to meet.
36. Take
calculated risks, but take risks.
37. Ask questions
and never be afraid of appearing stupid – someone else has the same question.
38. The angry
black woman thing is a myth, but is partly true. We have our reasons, but that
is not a pass to be heinous to people just because. Try to roll your eyes and
your neck a little less each day. Anger takes energy.
39. People’s
perception is their reality – there is but so much you can control – so make
sure you are in order, appropriate, and informed, and the rest will take care
of itself.
40. Did I say
that credit was important already….well I am saying it twice. I can do that.
It’s my list.
41. You will be
lonely if you do not learn to compromise.
42. Learn to save
for what you want. Trust me – being given everything is not all it’s cracked up
to be.
43. Never become
so independent that no one can depend on you.
44. Don’t be
afraid to be interesting.
45. Paying dues
is not a bad thing. Being a doormat is. There are some things you have to earn,
but learn to recognize when you’ve earned it.
46. Good shoes
are not a nice to have; they are a NEED to have. Trust me – foot surgery is not
47. If you hit
him…you may get hit back. Are you ready for that?
48. It sucks, but
you will be judged by the company you keep.
49. Yes…It’s
true…you should wait…not forever…but wait. Trust me, its better when you are
BOTH in love, when you are BOTH protected, and when you BOTH kind of know what
you like or what you are doing. I know…how will you ever know what you're doing
if you don’t do it. That’s just one of life’s little jokes.
50. I know this
list is long, and seems impossible. That’s why you weren’t put here alone.
Talk…to people…who love you…who have gone through it…who can point you in the
right direction…who you trust…who can keep a secret…and who know when they
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